To celebrate The Hazards of Sex on the Beach release, I have fourteen amazing romance writers stopping by over the next few weeks to share their awkward or "hazardous" dating stories.
To continue the fun, today I have Rachel Harris, K.A. Tucker, and Heidi McLaughlin!
Rachel Harris
My first date really tops the charts of embarrassment. I
was 13 years old and while I had gone to the movies in groups and went to
parties, this was going to be my first actual alone. Awesome, right?
Well, the first sign that it might
not go off as planned was that I woke up feeling sick. Not a cold, but a
nauseated, stomach not feeling quite right type of sick. But I was nothing if
not determined. I was going on this date! The next bad sign came when we picked
him up and he proceeded to douse himself in our minivan with Polo cologne. Up
until this point I’d always considered this particular cologne yummy. You know,
in small doses. Small doses was not what I was given. My stomach turned
for the first time.
When we got to the theater, we sat in
the back. We were watching Look Who’s Talking, Too. Yes, I am that old — or
that young, depending on your point of view. And as we sat in the enclosed
space of the theater, breathing in the cologne, my stomach got worse. I
tried leaning away, but the sweetheart thought I was playing some type of cat
and mouse, hard to get move, so he leaned in. I leaned further away, he
leaned closer in. In my memory, I feel as though I was practically falling into
the other seat, but I’m sure it wasn’t that obvious. And then…it
I couldn’t take it anymore. I got up
and told him in a frantic voice that I would be right back. I scurried as fast
as my weak legs would carry me, and made it all the way out to the trashcan
just outside the movie door when I lost it. Threw up, complete with dry
heaving. My total sweetheart of a date followed shortly, and again let me say
how wonderful he was. Understanding. He patted my back, helped me clean up, and
even wanted to go out again!
Yes, I have had countless wonderful
dates, but they never topped the memorable quality of my first.
Rachel Harris:

An admitted Diet Mountain Dew addict and homeschool mom, she gets through each day by laughing at herself, hugging her kids, and watching way too much Food Network with her husband. She writes young adult, new adult, and adult romance, and LOVES talking with readers.
K.A. Tucker
Being the female equation who enters
into a tight friendship between two guys can get slightly awkward. You want to
be the "cool girlfriend" so you don't say anything when your guy
brings his buddy along on your first date. But then you find
buddy sitting in the passenger seat on your second date ... and your third
date ... and your fourth date (and of course buddy makes you sit in the back).
Eventually you feel like you're dating two guys (and getting zero action,
because you're NEVER ALONE and you don't have any single friends who are
interested in buddy). Finally, by the fifth date, you have the audacity
to suggest that maybe it could be just the two of you this time.
And you become the evil, controlling
witch who's trying to break up the bromance.
K.A. Tucker:

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Heidi McLaughlin
Hazards of Online Dating… The Old
Fashioned Way
Back in the day, and no I’m not
telling you how long ago that was, I went on a blind date that started with a
series of phone calls. This guy said all the right things, verbally meeting
every “requirement” I had: tall, good job, sociable and sports fanatic. I
didn’t think I was asking for much. We agreed to meet at the local sports bar
for drinks and we’d go from there. So on date night I put on my stellar 4”
heels, did my hair all up and pranced my way into the bar looking for Mister
Right. I’m eyeing every guy who walks in all while ignoring the uber creeper
who keeps staring at me from the bar. When the creeper stands and walks over to
me, I knew I was doomed. He was bald, about twenty years older than I was
looking for and his lifts aka heels, were taller than mine! I had to fight the
verbal vomit of “are you freaking kidding me?” from escaping. Nothing about
what he told me over the phone was true!
So what does one do in the age
before pagers and cell phones? You ask him to get you a drink while you use the
ladies room and hightail it out of the bar running as fast at your stellar
heels allow!
About Heidi McLaughlin:
Heidi is the author of USA Today,
Digital Book World, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and International Bestselling
series, The Beaumont Series.
Originally from the Pacific
Northwest, she now lives in picturesque Vermont, with her husband and two
daughters. Also renting space in their home is an over-hyper Beagle/Jack
Russell and two Parakeets.
During the day Heidi is behind a
desk talking about Land Use. At night, she’s writing one of the many stories
planned for release or sitting court-side during either daughter’s basketball